Lardy Lardy Lard Lard!!

ThE iNvAsIoN hAs StArTeD

Ahahahahaha I have invaded (ur...invaded with permission) Hamstrings website.!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH i dont think thats very gud, but helllllooooooooo Its Lard Viki :D woo thats cool. Im Lard Ham's tres cool buddy who sits with her and comforts her thru the long hard Psychology lessons we hate so much (3 hours  first thing on a monday is really to long!) but anywaaaay weeee!!!


See the WIERD pics?!  Ahaha one is the very random Run Potato Run! and one is THE LAMENTABLE TRAGEDY OF MOTHER EGG!! hahaa its so frikkin scary!!! *Little ronnie corbett, little ronnie corbett!!* Theyre both courtesy of so pay him a visit lol and prepared to be FREAKED!!




I cant beleive anybody could be so ultimatly cruel :'(

HOW could anybody be happy because they eat LARD!!!!!! :-o its appauling!!! I hope to god our dear, sweet Lard friend never sees anything like this!!! Im jus too upset to write anymore...Ham...hope ure okay.